Montgomery Alabama Has Spiders!

Spiders DiversityMichael Wienecke
Hey, so today we want to talk about spiders, why they’re good, why they’re bad. You know how to get rid of them, and some that you should leave around your house. So Travis, why don’t you elaborate on that?

Travis McGowin
Well as being, like most of our customers, I’m not a fan of spiders either. And it’s not that I, that I dislike what they do in terms of their role in nature. But they’re creepy. I mean, they have eight legs, they show up and, you know, and surprise you in some of the most unexpected ways, very drum. And so I’ve never been a really huge spider fan either, but they are very beneficial bugs to have around the house, in terms of eating and eliminating insects that you may not want around your house and that sort of thing. And I know there’s kind of a stigma around spiders. You know, everybody’s favorite wants to talk about or, you know, black widows and brown recluse is, but for the most part, ultimately, the majority of spiders are actually very good and beneficial.

Michael Wienecke
Yeah, so we technically only have, you know, just quite a few or just a few poisonous spiders around here. I mean, there’s not many, you got your brown recluse, like you said, your Black Widow and your brown widow. Of course, you’ve got you know, your wolf spider that can bite and cause infection if not treated, but not poisonous. Yeah, so you know, talking about spiders and how to get rid of them, the easiest way to get rid of spiders is really just taking away the foods or so any flying insects, you know, house was just, you know, any kind of thing buzzing around the house is going to be the key aspect of getting rid of spiders, also trimming away your your bushes around your house and, you know, stopping that that harbored area, if you would, wouldn’t they build a nest around the house and bushes and all that

Travis McGowin
well, and keeping the grass mowed as well. You know, and that’s not only just going to help the spiders, it’s going to help a lot of other insects as well. But, you know, the other frustrating thing, you know, from a pest management perspective, and this is kind of goes for any pest control company. Spiders are not always the most simple thing to get rid of. The reason being is because they’re not like other things that we get rid of. So, you know, spiders without direct contact from a product, or, you know, some sort of secondary contact where they, let’s just say they ingest, you know, something they’ve caught that has, you know, ingested or contacted a product that we’ve treated, and then it kills the spider in that manner. There’s really no good product necessarily out there that completely effectively control spiders on its own just because spiders don’t groom themselves. So in you know, in an insect grooming process, you know, they they ingest or contact the product that they’ve walked through or contacted by spiders aren’t spiders don’t operate that way.

Michael Wienecke
Yeah, that’s true. And you know, here at pesci is the way we we eliminate spiders around people’s houses, we remove webs, the webbing around the house, we do a direct contact spray. And then we do that every three months to get rid of that problem. So as far as the homeowner doing it themselves, you know, it, it just has to be done on a routine maintenance to be able to control that problem.

Travis McGowin
Oh, yeah. And definitely when we start with a new client or something like that, you know, you can definitely tell the houses that have never been D webbed. You know, and I have I have clients that that, you know, SEO, you know, huge difference, especially after the Forest Service in terms of control of insects, control of spiders and things like that, because the removal of those webs, you know, insecticidal dust or other liquid products we use, you know, on the eaves and around the outside of the house really does truly make a difference. So most of my clients really do see a tremendous difference around their house and in their house.

Michael Wienecke
Yeah, and of course, you know, with with pesky pest control, if you’re ever having an issue as a customer of ours, we will always come back and retreat completely free for you.

Travis McGowin
Definitely, definitely every time. All you got to do is give us a call.

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